Update on Afghanistan
Our hearts are with Afghanistan. A country of people who have experienced ongoing war for decades, creating the third largest displaced population in the world. We have many friends here in Portland who call Afghanistan home, and these recent events have been frightening and devastating for so many.
For the Afghan people, we grieve with you.
For the many Afghan women and young girls who have fought so hard for freedoms we often take for granted, we grieve with you.
For the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work alongside American troops and whose families lives are now at increased risk after the last few days, we are grieving with you and hoping for safety.
And for our Afghan neighbors here in Portland who are watching things unfold for family and friends back home, we are so sorry. We stand together with you and grieve with you. When news headlines and images no longer remind us of the difficult reality that has become normal for you, we will remember.
As one of the top countries that Portland receives refugees from, we’ll be receiving families who worked as Afghan allies with the U.S. government, and possibly families who are at risk for other reasons. We will begin seeing families arriving soon.
We’re bringing restart kits, winter coats, grocery store gift cards, and temporary housing to these families. We’ll also be connecting individuals and families who hope to walk alongside a relational volunteer, to family and youth mentorship for the next year.
Build a restart kit, volunteer, or give a financial donation below. Together, we’ll see Portland become a place of refuge for those from Afghanistan fleeing violence.
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