Partner With Us

Our work is built on partnerships in the community. Since 2015, we’ve partnered with hundreds of faith communities, businesses, and schools to serve our resettled neighbors. We depend on these partnerships and are grateful for communities who care.

Give a Financial Contribution

Your generosity makes our work possible. We rely on these gifts to continue our work serving refugee families. Additionally, if your community has a grant application, we would look forward to the opportunity to apply. Email us here to connect on our programs and needs.


Host A Collection

Gather complete restart kits or individual items for restart kits, or grocery gift cards for newly arriving families. As most refugee families arrive in Oregon with few possessions, this is a meaningful way to respond.

These kits include essential household items like shampoo, bedding, and pots and pans, and welcome our refugee neighbors better than anything else initially can. View the list of items to gather here. We’ll then schedule a drop-off time at our Tigard warehouse.

Donate Goods or Services

If your business has goods or services that may be of benefit, please reach out. While we cannot accept all goods and services, we would look forward to finding a creative way to partner with you.

Something Else?

We welcome new and creative ideas. Email us!

We’d love to hear from you!

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